
Before you build, test to validate if you have an idea worth deeper investment.

Hero image user testing

Start with thinking about a real person

Define what you are solving and for whom.

Input audience
Get Started

Add all your ideas for how to help this person

Brainstorm, edit, and add an image for testing in one place. Don’t jump from tool to tool for capturing and refining ideas.

Gather ideas

Share with real people

Get clear simple responses - quantifiable results on which ideas performed well and which didn’t and qualitative insight into why people were or were not interested in each idea.

Does this interest you?

Quickly test with the right audience.

Get your ideas in front of real users. Don’t build before you validate.

Analyze your results and make decisions.

See who has the problem you’re trying to solve and how many people value the solution you’re offering. Don’t guess.

Your ideas tested

More problems do more tests. Repeat until you find your signal.

Validate and invalidate your ideas to keep narrowing into what users really want. Don’t lose momentum (and ideas) by shifting tools.

Get Started
Capture new ideas to test

Test your ideas.
Try Foundations.

Create a test